Friday, June 18, 2010

Life is Peachy

They were the "best" peaches we've ever tasted! This week, we tried the first peaches from our newly planted tree. Maybe it was due to the care that went into our peach tree or the Southern California sunshine, but they were so "good". Hikaru gobbled them up.

We counted 27 peaches on our very small tree. And Hikaru helped to pick them.

In the beginning, we wondered whether or not our peach tree would even grow, since our soil is mostly clay -- and peach trees like well-drained soil. But we planted it near the edge of a hill for the best drainage.

Also due to the rains this year, we had issues with something called peach leaf curl that's caused by a fungus. I picked most of the diseased leaves off by hand, and the issue went away.

While picking the peaches, Hikaru and I were very careful not step on Foo-Foo. Foo-Foo was our pet fish who passed away on the same day we planted our peach tree.

We placed Foo-Foo on a piece of cardboard with a brief farewell, and we buried him next to the tree. Hikaru knows the exact spot, and thinks Foo-Foo is living there. Yes, alive in spirit.



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